How You Can Improve the Fuel Economy of Your Mazda this Winter
January 20 2023,

You probably know that winter and its cold temperatures cause vehicles to burn more fuel in order to drive the same distance as in the summer. This doesn’t mean that there are no ways to improve your vehicle’s efficiency in the winter, however, as you will see here.
Keeping the tires properly inflated
This tip is applicable all year long and yet, it is often forgotten by drivers. Indeed, tire pressures are critical for the safety, performance, and efficiency of your vehicle since tires provide the only contact between the vehicle and the road. Under-inflated tires will not only wear down quicker, but they will also increase the drag of the vehicle and therefore reduce its fuel efficiency. While over-inflating them could provide a slight boost in efficiency, you should never do so because it can create uneven wear patterns and lead to a catastrophic failure of one or more tires, potentially leading to an accident. In addition, over-inflated tires provide a reduced level of grip, which can make emergency maneuvers unstable and dangerous.
Reduce unnecessary weight
Again, a tip that is relevant all year long as it affects the aerodynamics of the vehicle: You should always make sure your vehicle is as light as possible when undertaking a trip by removing everything that is not necessary, such as roof rails and cargo boxes. Roof boxes are especially damaging to the fuel efficiency of a vehicle since they disturb the air pattern around the body and create an aerodynamic brake that makes the engine work harder to compensate. In addition to the safety of other drivers, this is also why you should always clear as much snow from the vehicle as possible.
Have your vehicle serviced
Bringing in your Mazda for service before winter is a great way to ensure it will be reliable and efficient all winter long. Depending on the age of your vehicle, items that can be changed include spark plugs and filters in order to let the engine breathe easier and combust the fuel-air mixture more thoroughly.
Adapt your driving style
The biggest factor in the fuel consumption of your Mazda vehicle is the way you drive it. Indeed, adopting a smoother driving style with reduced acceleration, a lower speed, and a more relaxed attitude can help you save big at the pump this winter while also making your driving safer when there is ice on the road.